Brian Hoffman's Remembering Red - A Tribute to Red Skelton
Returns to his hometown!
Friday June 27th, 2014
LaMoure North Dakota is a beautiful little farming community.
The Class of 1979 went all out to make this Red Skelton Tribute show a huge success.
The LaMoure Alumni had several activities making this a very special weekend.
Below are just a few pictures of LaMoure.
This is one of the signs on the main highway that runs through LaMoure
Milton Young Civic Center where the performance was held
One of the many busy streets of LaMoure.
Just a few of the sites to see during the Summer in LaMoure
Where else but LaMoure would you see a lot full of antique tractors
I wonder if the handicapped parking works for tractors too.
One of the many missles that were ready to fire during the cold war.
The Redwing boat that has been on display in LaMoure since the early 70's
Just one of the many signs announcing the performance
Brian Hoffman as Red Skelton
Telling one of the silly Gertrude and Heathcliffe jokes
The coat rack holding the outfit for Freddy the Freeloader
Freddy The Freeloader
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